
Showing posts from October, 2024

Author Update: Writing To Write

It's been a little while since I have done a blog update. I know most of you keep an eye on my updates through Wattpad, Inkitt, GetInkspired, Facebook, Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Discord. I tried to keep everyone in the loop of what goes on. So, if you already know then you can skip this blog update.  I will not be releasing any more books for 2024 as I have released 5 books and they aren't getting picked up. So, it is what it is. I did my best to appeal for an audience outside of Lesbian Romance and keeping it clean has been a struggle. With A Coffee Shop Romance being a clean romance it has sold more than I expected and a good chunk love the short story that it is.  Also update on The Little Library, the books that I put in about a month ago or so. I think the reader is keeping them because they haven't returned. So, next batch I do put in by the Dance Studio will be signed copies and to make sure more readers have a chance to get more. I'm