
Podcast Update

ATTENTION: I will be doing a Podcast with Patrick Greenwood on February 22nd, 2025. My first ever Podcast and to share about ALL my books. Be sure to subscribe and mark your calendars.  

Staying In My Genre

Last blog post for January of 2025. Hard to believe tomorrow is the last day of the month. This decision is my own. I'm staying with my own genre which is Lesbian Romance and keeping my Author name. I'm staying as Author Amber M. Kestner, no pens, no run around in circles or anything else. I'm an Author with a lot of books to my name and have made a name for myself. I've built my world of stories in my own way with some tropes but that isn't my thing. As I listened to Jason Blayne's Podcast today and hearing his advice for Writers and Aspiring Authors, it made me realize that no matter how old my books are, no matter how new my books are, I will find an Audience and rebuild myself. I have newer books lined up for coming into 2025 and going beyond.  I'm staying. I'm going to keep working and improving myself along the way. Also all my Lesbian Romance going forward will be whatever they want to be whether Mature or Clean, I can do both while still keeping ...

Featuring In Podcasts

I was able to recover all but 1 book and that is fine. So, updated news. I will be doing a Podcast with Patrick Cyclewriter Greenwood on ALL of my books. As soon as I schedule a date you all will be let known to be watching me on this link: Also, I am well aware all of my older books need to be off of all platforms but seems that no matter how many times I want to give them up, they always come back for this reason. I'm like over the moon with my sweetheart of friend Patrick who adores all of my work. While I've been shamed, bully, and hated for all of my material which is why I wanted to reset and try again but it seems I should let my books speak for themselves...I have readers, I really do all across the board. I just have a hard time accepting and feeling like I need to constantly prove myself. Patrick isn't the first one to offer me to be on any sort of Podcast, Author Samuel J. White has well for his, and severa...

Lesbian Café

  Who would of thought that I would be writing this book. The longest time it just set in my inventory of unwritten books. Truthfully, after seeing how my ex-best friend wrote his version it made me question could I make a better version than his. As mentioned in my last blog, I have made a better version and use a lot of detail.  Truthfully for those reading this on Wattpad and GetInkspired, I have used this book as a target to that ex-best friend who destroyed my heart more than once with so many damn excuses. You know how everyone around you sees you with that person whom you known for a very long time that was me and Tobias. Yes, I am taking a personal jab to my female to male ex-best friend/ex-girlfriend that was never mine to begin with. Why? As mentioned the excuses from my heart condition, his healing, and god knows what else he had for to avoid me. I literally yelled at him at one point by saying: WHY DON'T YOU JUST ADMIT YOU NEVER WANTED TO BE WITH ME?! I have never...

New Year, New Books, and Book Reviews.

As most of you have probably seen a good chunk of my books have disappeared from Amazon, Wattpad, Inkitt, and GetInkspired. It is because I'm changing course to writing Stand Alone books whether Novels, Novella's or Novelette's. It's less stressful and easier on me to handle with my crazy schedule between raising my teenager, taking care of my parents, and keeping my relationship with Larry intact without any faults. I do also want to be ready as a Personal Assistance for Ashes whenever she needs me whether it is for Book Parties, Promoting her books or anything else she may need. I have to be on the ready without any delays. So for those that have read Keeping Her A Secret, thank you. All reviews can go to Goodreads for it if you are reading it or plan too since I did have one last free sale with it about two weeks ago. Yes, the sales were amazing and I'm proud of it. I just don't feel wise writing Series' when I don't have time to complete them. Now fo...

Coffee & Romance

I started a new book recently. The cover isn't new but the description is. It is one I believe my readers are excited for because not only isn't available on any writing apps like literally none. I have taken it and made it unique. I will admit, I did take it from another writer (he hasn't published since 2016 and last update was in 2022.) Don't worry the book has my own taste and it is at a much slower pace. I'm actually proud of myself especially with the twist from his story.  Love Over Coffee by Tobias Jarrett Link: As you will read from it, it is rushed and the characters don't know each other. As my lovely husband called it a hardcore lesbian porno. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not shaming my ex-best friend for the story because well it has gained so much traction on Wattpad and it isn't finished. You are probably wondering where I am going with this...yeah, I knew that was coming. I was...

Clean Romance Is The Way To Go...

I'm allowed to write in any shape or form as an Author, am I known to slip in Mature content? Oh yeah, most of my books are spicy, not like over the top but they are. What has changed my mind fully? The fact is that I am done over the sexual content in reading material that anymore I just skip over it or see no use for it, not unless I am reading Gay or Lesbian Romance. Truthfully, when I was writing clean romance for like A Coffee Shop Romance (Best Selling Book in my name, least I believe so) and Keeping Her A Secret Sacred Heart Series: Book 1, I felt better in my writing journey, I felt no pressure to put sexual content into my material. The dramatic scenes are never going away that is just how I write and my readers live for it. All I am saying is as me and my best friend W.A. Ashes aka Ashes discussed many, many, many times over their just isn't enough clean romance in any genre that I am aware of, I don't read Horrors or Thrillers, not my thing. But like in the Roman...