Author Update: No Longer Using Pen Names
For those wondering why I no longer use Annora Rose, have closed the Amazon account and no longer bother with it.
I went under Annora Rose from 2016-2018 and released 10 books. I'm still proud of myself for those years. But, you see, I was dealing with 2 bullies at once from the beginning of my career in 2016. They somehow or another learned I was Annora Rose because the new book titles had nothing to do with A Girl For Her Series. I was getting used to the idea of Publishing under both names with Annora Rose being my pen name because it was a cool name and I liked it. Well, after my 10th book, my dumbass bullies whoever the hell they are called me out. They literally put my name in reviews and tore me down more.
I can't use a pen name. I can't do anything in the Indie Author world without tipping them off. So, all 10 books ended up being in my legal name in 2020 because Annora Rose, I felt was no use to me anymore since I was called out and they added to ruining my reputation more.
My reputation has been shredded so much over me being an Indie Author than what I write or the stories I tell. I get torn to shred because I live at home, live off the government (ssi & ssdi), I have a child out of wedlock, I am not legally married, my man isn't good enough for me, my parents and siblings aren't worth my life, and the bullying in my reviews just kept getting worse especially after my youngest brother got sent to prison.
They have finally stopped after A Coffee Shop Romance or least I hope they have because I swear, I am so tired of being ripped apart for nothing I didn't do besides live my life.
So, that is why Annora Rose doesn't exist and I am under my legal name.
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