Author Interview: Riverr Ravenzwood

 Hello and let's welcome Riverr to this interview.

1. What is your name and genre you write?

- Riverr Ravenzwood and I write fantasy. 

2. What is the first book you published?

- Tug of Fate, book one of the When Stars Align Series. 

3. Where did the inspiration for Ziva Bail and the Cosmic Connection come from?

- I guess from the deep recesses of my mind? Haha. I mean, it's almost every author's dream, isnt it?

4. What is the biggest book you have written?

- The Kazi Chronicles Finale, Fall of Creation. It's a whopping 180k words long. 

5. Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so why?

- It's really hard to say. But if I really have to pick, then I think Kali (The Kazi Chronicles) comes close to that. All of my characters are my favorite. But Kali has surprised me. When I started her journey, I had no idea it would turn out to be this way. And I can't say more without giving away spoilers. But, yeah. 

6. Girl power exist in Ziva Bail and the Cosmic Connection, would that be able to exist if it were in the opposite gender? If so why or why not?

- Well, boy power does exist in my books. Friendships and family play a critical role in my stories, as you'd have seen. I think the power that Ziva and April share shines primarily because we are aware of their history (a bit) and we are privy to how much they've overcome. So we can, in our minds, see their trajectory and rejoice silently with them. You know what I mean? But yes, boy power does exist. I call it "tribe power". You find your tribe and give with it. It's ride or die. It's a theme in all of my books. 

7. Ada is a badass character in Circle Of Time Kazi Chronicles: Book , what is the difference between Ada and Ziva?

- Well, to start with, both are badass females and both are strong characters. Both have their own transformation trajectories but the main difference is in where the power in them comes from. Ada's comes from her family. Her desire to do whatever it takes to protect her family is the fuel. The close knit bond she shares with her father and 'grandpa', and with her animals, is like a warm hug wrapped in a blanket. Ziva's power comes from her desire to never be weak again. Her desire to protect her best friend, April, and herself, is what makes her stronger every time she's thrown in a loop. Both Ada and Ziva, however, will cross pits of fire for their loved ones, quite literally. 

8. Do you have any rituals or routines that you follow when writing?

- Not really. But a good fragrance in my home, and music, is something I find enjoyable every time I write. 

9. What do you hope readers will take away from your books?

- I hope they are filled with wonder. I hope they enjoy the worlds I create and are transported to it, even momentarily. I hope to infuse everyone's life with joy and magic and if my books can help them see the magic in their own lives, and relationships, then I'll be more than grateful to the Universe for giving me this opportunity.  

10. What do you enjoy most about being a writer?

- Ahhh… what's not to enjoy? You love a world? write it. You want someone? Make them fall at your feet in your stories. You wonder what a magical cape will be like? Explore it. You hate someone? Make them suffer in your books. I mean - the possibilities are endless!!! It's really like giving yourself another world to live in. Haha!

11. What do you think is the biggest misconception about being a writer?

- That it's easy and that it's a time pass. I assure you, dear sirs and madam, that it ain't. It's more serious than you trying to figure out where the next sale is going to come from or you trying to impress your boss to get the next project. Trust us. It isn't for the faint hearted. 

12. Do you read in the genre that you write in?

- Yes. Always. Fantasy is my jam!

13. How do you usually find the inspiration for your characters and their names?

- They just come to me. I'm a pantser. Through and through. Almost every time, I don't know how the cliffhanger will turn out in the next book. Word! Also, in all my books, dots have connected and stars have aligned across books that I hadn't even thought of. I only know the started point when I start a story. After that, its just the pen and the paper and me. :-) 

14. What are some no-fail tips you have for writing a good book?

- Treat yourself as your first reader. If your story doesn't leave you gasping or laughing or angry, then you need more work. You being happy with what you create is really the first step. It can be the last too, should you wish. Also, enjoy. Even though it's a serious craft, there's no point in doing this if you don't enjoy the journey. 

15. What have been the best and worst parts about becoming a successful writer almost overnight?

- My readers. They are the bestest part of the whole thing. The love everyone has given to my characters is heartwarming, to say the least. There's really no worst part. I just love connecting to my readers and getting their points of view and thoughts on the story, plotlines, twists, everything. I mean, if I could be a fly on the wall of every readers that's reading my books, I would love that! You guys are the best part! Thank you for this. Thank you for making me feel not so alone in this rather solo journey.

Thank you, Riverr for being apart of this interview. As well, for sharing your journey. Be sure to find her books on Amazon:


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