Importance Of Reading

Most know I am a bookworm. I love books. I have been reading since I was 5 or 6 years old. I have favorite books beyond the list imaginable. 

I have a memory of my childhood that I want to share. My parents are both readers. My dad is a bookworm, we have always seen dad collect books or even read from Kindle or Tablets. No matter if we went to the Library, Bookstores at Howard's Flea Market, or even knew a friend that sold books, we were there. My favorite place growing up was Howard's Bookstore in the Flea Market. I enjoyed every chance I got to read Ann M. Martin's Babysitter's Club and earning points for each one I read. I wouldn't read much of anything else until I got older. 

I don't remember which teacher it was or a memory of it but my dad does. It was either 4th or 5th Grade, so either Mrs. Cornellious or Mrs. Levengood though we had switch teachers for those grades too. Anyways, I had finished my class work and decided to grab out my books or least grab the one I was reading, well, turns out since I was at a 1st Grade Reading level, I wasn't allowed to bring books from home like the other kids did in my class. It was unfair in my eyes. The teacher snatched the book I was reading and the ones in my backpack from me that day was horrible. I had missed my books because they were comfort from friends that weren't my friends because I kept to myself. 

I got home and explained to my parents how my day went. My dad wasn't happy to find out that my teacher took my reading material that I earned. I stayed home that next day and mom took me to the library for some reading and space from the school, we also had other errands but she knew I needed reading time away from my siblings and the stress around me. 

End result: My dad and my favorite ESE Teacher Mr. Becker got my books back to me then gave my teacher a lesson on not taking away a child's love of reading all because it is their grade level and also had a talk with the principal that they needed to up my reading level to at least Middle School and not 1st Grade. Didn't happen, I had to wait until Middle School to get out of Accelerated Reading to have my freedom to read out of 1st Grade Reading Level. My 6th Grade teacher didn't understand how I could be stuck when I understood everything that I was reading and my vocabulary was beyond what she was teaching. 

Now, if you must know I do reading Goals for Goodreads and Kindle through my phone to gain more achievements. I did read 100 books a few years back but haven't done that much reading in years due to being an Author and being there for my son has he grows into adulthood these next 4 years. On top of that had to deal with the Pandemic that shut the world down. In my eyes, reading is very important and helps build new worlds around you. I have expanded my genres to Fantasy, Dark Romance, Gay Romance, Lesbian Romance, some Straight (depending on the book), Manga, Graphic Novels, some Thriller, Children/Teenager Stories, and beyond my normal reads of Romance. I did try Reverse Harem (RH), it isn't my cup of tea and really hasn't been at all. I tried it because it was part of an event and I just couldn't get into it. So, that means I won't be reading Alisha Williams books because she has RH in them. 

Picking up a book isn't a crime and I wish my husband Larry was a bookworm but unfortunately, he didn't grow up the same way I did, so instead I made my lovely man a Gamer and it has expanded his fan base. My girlfriend Elnora is a reader though, I hope to have expanded her world more and encourage her to look more past Straight Romances. No, I don't fault anyone for reading sweet, sexy hot men at all. My best friend Ashley writes Straight Clean Romances and I love them. It is all a matter of your taste. I also love Angelina's Kerner's stories too like Glowing Kiss that's a good book. 

Reading is very important in day to day life. I get it that most don't have time or don't care too. In my eyes, reading helps with writing and expands your vocabulary beyond of what you learned before. If you don't know what to read just find something you could see yourself enjoying. It is a matter of taste and what you feel would be good for you. Yes, DNF (Did Not Finish) exists too. I have quite a few over the years that I have a distaste for or I couldn't get into. I have learned that I don't have to like all books that are out there but support the Authors by promoting them in which I have done in favor. 

I will end this by saying feel free to follow/add me on Goodreads with this link:

Happy Reading!


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