Authors of Amazon & Wattpad: Going Beyond Traditional Route

Exposing our work is beyond the measure of reaching readers. We work endless on end trying to give the best ourselves as Authors to show that we can do it. This is where the world changes once you are with Amazon, you can't be shelved with anyone else once you are with them You can't be partnered with Smashwords, Books-A-Million, Barnes & Noble, Ingram Sparks, and any other Publishing Company willing to sell your books without Amazon on your hind end. I did learn that when I was contributing to both Amazon and Smashwords expanding my horizon. That led to hoping not lose my Kindle Unlimited and Selects program that lets readers borrow books, so I stopped with Smashwords within 2 years even after selling my books for free on there. Now, I have since left them and haven't returned their program for setting up their books became to much of a hassle to deal with. Now, I have been with Wattpad since it's start practically of 2008 when I finally settled to living in West ...