
Showing posts from July, 2024

Readers Trolling Authors

If you are seeing this then you know I am not playing around. I am not holding back on voicing my opinion in the book world or anything else.  This is the post I made on Goodreads last night for those that missed it: We all have different book taste I get it but if you are constantly rating books 1-3 with very little reason, I will unfriend and unfollow you. That is really trolling Authors and uncalled for. If you don't like certain books don't read them. Yes, we can have opinions and ratings but dang, seriously?! I had to unfriend someone because it was making me uncomfortable to see such ratings and reasonings. As for why I made this post, simple answer. A 19 year old girl who I was friends with and following out of random, didn't know her at all had been reading Dork Diaries Series (one of my personal favorites). Anyways, I noticed she was giving it 1-3 stars for the first 4 books and I am like wait, that doesn't seem right. Yeah, Nikki is dramatic and everything she

Rebranding and New Content

Most are probably mad as hell at me as of an hour or so ago if they have seen books disappear from Amazon, Wattpad, Inkitt, GetInkspired, and aJoara. Don't worry it isn't all of them. I am so sick of writing Series', following Tropes, and beyond of what I want to do. If a book is doing excellent then I keep it up and which I have for the most part.  Most new readers lately hate that my books aren't Novel length or they expect it to be. Or a book could be expanded for example: Summer Lovin' and A Coffee Shop Romance seems to piss readers off but eh, oh well, not like I don't have other content out there such as A Secret Love Affair, When They Kissed, and Holiday's With Her to name a few. I am also in an Anthology. My books are my own, they are my creativity from my own imagination. I don't do Fan Fiction, I don't like mimicking other Writers/Authors, I hate tropes with a passion, I love to read Series' but don't enjoy writing them. So, what am

New Computer and Back To Writing

Last blog was an utter mess of my emotions on the frustrations of not writing and just swarming myself in books because my older computer not working.  Today is an important day for me, not only is it Independence Day in America but it is now been 8 years since I became an Author and released my first book Jana & Angel A Girl For Her Series: Volume 1. But, as it is my Authorversary and I should be celebrating, I am taking it on by writing.  I got an all new computer that works better than any other computer I've had besides my laptop. It is an All-In-One HP Desktop. It didn't take me long to piece together, the longest was getting everything reuploaded. I have switched browsers from Google Chrome to Opera. I am still suffering that concussion but my new medicine has helped clear off what was going down and I think it was built in frustration of not having a working computer and being stuck constantly reading for hours on end.  Now that I have gotten myself out of reading an